Saturday, November 6, 2010

The day the sky turned red

A photo from the day the dust storm came to Sydney. This is the Northbridge - a wonderful old bridge on the northern approach to the city.


  1. I like this bridge. I have to cross it every time I go to visit my uncle who moved to Northbridge in 1964.

  2. That's quite a photo - timing is everything!

  3. That's amazing. I completely missed it. Found out about it in a net cafe in Livingstone, Zambia, and couldn't believe the photos and news reports. Got home to a house full of red dust.

  4. It is surprising to think that a year ago the desert was so bare it blew all its way to the city whereas now its green green green everywhere.

  5. Looks like a scene out of a spooky movie.

  6. That's so scary!
    Do you guys get a lot of sand storms down there?

  7. Brilliant shot, Peter. I posted a couple of shots around the train stations in my local area. Australia really is the place of droughts and flooding rains. This was just a year ago and now there doesn't seem to be an end to the rains.


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